What We Do

Virtual Paperless

This package is perfect for the environmentally conscious Attorney who is dipping…

Virtual Litigator Papertrail

This is the package for the Attorney who is “old school” and…

Virtual Litigator Paperless

This is the package is great for the Attorney who needs a…

Virtual Papertrail

This is perfect for the Attorney who isn’t quite comfortable with the…
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What Our Clients Think

…quickly assimilated into our company culture & had an excellent rapport with the many individuals served by our office including outside legal counsel, and team members from the company CEO to the receptionist.

PH, Tampa, FL

…intelligent, punctual & is especially adept at using independent judgment.

DM, St. Petersburg, FL

His enthusiasm and motivation is unparalleled for a paralegal. Not only is his professional performance stellar, he is a well-rounded ‘stand up’ person.

MD, Tarpon Springs, FL

Jay played a key role in helping us present complex commercial issues to a trier of fact in a concise and logical manner that has resulted
in repeated successful outcomes for our clients.

LMM, Tampa, FL

… the utmost professionalism and courtesy as well as work product far surpassing my expectations.

MW, Tampa, FL

…proclivity for quickly & accurately grasping the scope & priority of every assignment and remarkable work ethic.

TP, Clearwater, FL

The Latest News

Quality Traits for Your Virtual Paralegal

In our last post, we discussed how your firm should go about finding quality Virtual Paralegals. Since that post, I’ve seen several virtual paralegals set up shop and begin posting on Facebook and Linked-In. I’m excited to see new entrants into this field! Now that there are a few options out there, how do you go about selecting the right one for YOUR firm?

How to Find a Qualified Virtual Paralegal

As I’ve been speaking to groups of paralegals and attorneys about the implementation of virtual paralegals in the legal field, I am often asked, “How do you find a qualified virtual paralegal?” I’m glad you asked! Finding a virtual paralegal […]

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