Why should you choose Parasimple as your virtual paralegal?

We're glad you asked. Let us answer your question with a very strongly written response! ;)

No overhead expenses

Having full time staff results in the law firm paying a salary for an employee.  Did you know that an employee's salary is only a PORTION of the true cost of having an employee?  Just add 30% to their base salary to account for paid time off, workers' compensation coverage, re-employment insurance, health insurance benefits, computers, and software licenses.  It can be an eye-opener!

No loss of productivity due to distractions, vacation or sick time

Having full time staff results in the law firm paying a salary for an employee whether they are productive or not.  Why should you pay a paralegal when they are not working or advancing your client's case to resolution?  Should you pay staff to scroll through their Facebook newsfeed or Instgram account?  We are there for you, 52 weeks out of the year.  Sure, we let our folks take vacation, but you aren't going to be paying for it!

No personnel problems

With employees, there is always drama.  Employee personality conflicts can cost law firms thousands of dollars in HR resources and lost productivity.  Because we are virtual, there won't be any personality clashes or office drama.  Attorneys do not need more drama in their lives and we strive to keep things simple, Parasimple.

No workspace problems

Don't have the physical space to house a paralegal? Now, there is no reason to take on additional rent expenses when you can have us virtually!

Want to know more? Check out our services!

Virtual Paperless

This package is perfect for the environmentally conscious Attorney who is dipping…

Virtual Litigator Papertrail

This is the package for the Attorney who is “old school” and…

Virtual Litigator Paperless

This is the package is great for the Attorney who needs a…

Virtual Papertrail

This is perfect for the Attorney who isn’t quite comfortable with the…

Are you convinced? Let’s talk!

A Parasimple representative will reach out to you as soon as possible!